
Зарегистрирован: 14.10.08
Откуда: Украина, Одесса
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.02.09 13:58. Заголовок: "Stand up if you hate Arsenal!"

Суть вопроса проста: кто по-настоящему ненавидит "Арсенал", а кто просто идет по течению - общей сложившейся в Англии - и по инерции (видимо) в русскоязычном саппорте - неприязни.

Думал опрос запостить, но хочется более развернутых ответов; мотивировать, если возможно, свое отношение.
Почему они "твари конченные", а мы "САМЫЙ ЛУЧШИЙ В МИРЕ КЛУБ" (утрирую, конечно, хотя для многих так и есть).

Я в начале симпатизировал "Арсеналу" (с просмотра их матчей я начал знакомство с АПЛ, тем более, болеет друг, про которого я раньше говорил, что он вообще реабилитирует в моих глазах футбольных болельщиков); теперь подсознательно радуюсь их про*ёбам - как результат высокомерного отношения к нам; хотя что мне действительно не нравится - так это некий комплекс неполноценности, который - как мне кажется - присутствует у нас по отношению к ним. Они более титулованные и более успешные во многом, чем мы. Опять же статистика Дерби последних 10 лет. (Общая статистика достаточно терпимая - 59 побед Арсенала, 45 Шпор, 40 ничьих). Нечто похожее я наблюдаю в отношениях между одесским "Черноморцем" и "Динамо" Киев. Например, есть часть одесских болельщиков, чья любовь в к "Черноморцу" основывается на ненависти к "Динамо".

Хотелось бы услышать ваши мнения.

We are Tottenham! Поддерживаю: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 12.12.06
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.07.09 14:05. Заголовок: Pete Петя, ссылка ..


Петя, ссылка из 246 знаков не открывается. Ее надо переводить в ссылку из 25 знаков и все будет ОК.

Вот сайт, который делает такую трансформацию.


'The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It's about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.' - Danny Blanchflower

I hope Harry’s liking for keeping things simple helps him persuade the club not to get too clever again. I’m hoping for a quiet summer and plenty of noise when the season starts. (с) Martin Cloake
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менеджер Лэйн

Зарегистрирован: 28.10.06
Откуда: Россия, Королев
Рейтинг: 8
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.07.09 14:31. Заголовок: мерси, век живи, век..

мерси, век живи, век учись!

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Зарегистрирован: 12.12.06
Откуда: UK, Лондон
Рейтинг: 20
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.07.09 15:04. Заголовок: Pete Кстати, над ф..


Кстати, над футболкой я поржал

'The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It's about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.' - Danny Blanchflower

I hope Harry’s liking for keeping things simple helps him persuade the club not to get too clever again. I’m hoping for a quiet summer and plenty of noise when the season starts. (с) Martin Cloake
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Девиз: To Dare Is To Do
Зарегистрирован: 01.10.08
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Награды: за регулярные переводы новостей для сайта Русские Шпоры
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.07.09 16:11. Заголовок: ostrov пишет: Вот с..

ostrov пишет:

Вот сайт, который делает такую трансформацию.

или http://bit.ly/

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Зарегистрирован: 21.07.09
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.09 15:50. Заголовок: слышь kosoy, а как э..

слышь kosoy, а как это у тебя получилось, что как ты тут выразился: "в начале симпатизировал "Арсеналу" а теперь подсознательно радуюсь их про*ёбам - как результат высокомерного отношения к нам"
к кому это "к нам"?
а когда глорил за канониров, небось тоже подсознательно радовался проёбам шпор - как результат высокомерного отношения к вам (тогда)?

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Зарегистрирован: 14.10.08
Откуда: Украина, Одесса
Рейтинг: 7
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.09 16:53. Заголовок: Norfolk пишет: а ко..

Norfolk пишет:

а когда глорил за канониров,

за канониров никогда не глорил.

Norfolk пишет:

слышь kosoy,

а "слышь" - будете писать в комментах на спортс.ру, где Ваш ник уже кажется стал именем нарицательным.

We are Tottenham! Поддерживаю: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 12.12.06
Откуда: UK, Лондон
Рейтинг: 20
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.08.09 17:03. Заголовок: kosoy пишет: а "..

kosoy пишет:

а "слышь" - будете писать в комментах на спортс.ру,

В Тбилиси недавно интернет провели. Такое обращение к людям характерно для общения на рынке. За это хачиков так все и любят в России.

Но здесь он быстро бан себе сторгует.

'The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It's about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.' - Danny Blanchflower

I hope Harry’s liking for keeping things simple helps him persuade the club not to get too clever again. I’m hoping for a quiet summer and plenty of noise when the season starts. (с) Martin Cloake
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Зарегистрирован: 21.07.09
Рейтинг: -1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.09 10:14. Заголовок: во первых: это ответ..

во первых: это ответ на ваш же оффтоп.

любят или нет - это не вам судить. если бы не любили, то министром иностранных дел России (как вы выразились) хачика не назначили бы

уж не из-за этого ли вы подались в бега, менеджер??? хачиков испугались

кста, за "хачиков" можете и себе бан сторговать. по 3кг за бан, сойдёт!
живёте в Англии, а вот культуры как не было, так и нет
да и откуда ей (культуре) взяться, у выходца с Некрасовского рынка?
бедная старая Англия

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Зарегистрирован: 12.12.06
Откуда: UK, Лондон
Рейтинг: 20
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.09 10:22. Заголовок: Norfolk Твоя цель ..


Твоя цель появления на этом форуме?

'The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It's about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.' - Danny Blanchflower

I hope Harry’s liking for keeping things simple helps him persuade the club not to get too clever again. I’m hoping for a quiet summer and plenty of noise when the season starts. (с) Martin Cloake
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a. k. a. Dirtybird
админ spurs.ru

Девиз: To dare is to do
Зарегистрирован: 16.10.05
Откуда: РФ, Великий Новгород
Рейтинг: 35
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.09 11:35. Заголовок: Завязываем с оффтопо..

Завязываем с оффтопом.
Личные разборки - через кнопочку ЛС.

К следующему, кто продолжит, будут применены санкции, не взирая ни на что.

We don't care what the other teams say
What the hell do we care?
For we only know that there's gonna be a show
And the Tottenham Hotspur will be there
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Зарегистрирован: 24.02.07
Откуда: Estonia, Tallinn
Рейтинг: 8
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.08.09 19:00. Заголовок: Однако дерзкий паца..

Однако дерзкий пацанчег. непонятно какие цели он преследует публично выеживаясь, но тут он не первый такой и его предшественники недолго куражились.

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Зарегистрирован: 12.12.06
Откуда: UK, Лондон
Рейтинг: 20
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.08.09 02:56. Заголовок: Очень интересный рас..

Очень интересный рассказ об отношениях между фанами лондонских клубов. С позиции Шпор (автор) и Вест Хэма ( соседи по столику в пабе)

Знаю, что вряд ли кто-то его осилит, но если кто-то вдруг да, то за оригинал ручаюсь. Все равно писать больше не о чем. Слухи уже достали.
Читается почти как пьеса.

We hate Arsenal

DateTuesday, August 4, 2009 at 11:54PM

Was in the pub Saturday evening. Sat next to a table that had four blokes who had obviously been in there all day, all drunk and cursing and laughing. They clocked me and Mrs Spooky and two of them started to discuss how long we would survive sitting next to them. I laughed, and they got chatting with us (if you can call it that). Plenty of boisterous bollocks spewing from their mouths. One of them bet one of his mates we wouldn't last 15 minutes. They were insufferably loud and every other word out of their mouths was 'c*nt'.

Game on.

We didn't move regardless. And about 15 minutes later they once more shared a joke about us being the first people to 'survive' their onslaught. They tragically bestowed us some demented form of recognition and they moved onto the next bet, as they spoke amongst themselves. I was eavesdropping a little because I heard them discuss who we probably supported football wise so I pre-warned Mrs Spooky to expect more 'banter' from them shortly.

I already knew two of them were West Ham fans (the two loudest ones). The other two were Spurs. Early in the evening the West Ham fan wanted to bet one of the Spurs fans they would do the double over us and win 4-0 home and away. So I knew that the fun and games were about to begin when he found out who my team was. Eventually, they turned round to face us again and asked the question:

Who do you support?

I didn't answer, and asked them to guess.

One of the West Ham fans pointed at me and said:

"I reckon you're a fucking gooner?"

I didn't say anything, and he then accused me of being a Chelsea fan. Shudder. I replied:

"If it’s one thing I'm not, it's a fucking gooner"

"So you must be a fucking yid then"

I nodded. However, no point in clarifying semantics concerning my family bloodline and origins.

They asked where I thought Spurs would finish, and it was obvious they expected me to say 'Top 4' because that's the fallacy they like to perpetuate about us. I said, tongue-in-cheek, hopefully we'll do well but no doubt we'll finish mid-table. That actually shocked them. Everyone's a stereotype in football, because that's what we have to go on because generalisations make it easy for all. So as I cracked a few self-deprecating jokes about Tottenham being a mid-table side, I could tell I had them a little on the ropes. Almost like I was pinching their best gags.

More over the top tongue-in-cheek banter followed, and the other West Ham fan asked me why I supported Spurs. I told him, it's in the blood going back to the 1930 - 40's. They started talking amongst themselves, and from what I could gather from their drunken slurs they made the strange assumption that my family was from Israel or war torn Europe and had fled from the Nazis and emigrated from to London. You know, cause all Spurs fans are practising Jews, innit? One of them brilliantly explained to his mate that ‘Who else were they meant to support?'.

I decided not to sidetrack the discussion and confuse them with an explanation of my Orthodox upbringing and the fact that my family were based in the UK.

"Why would anyone want to support Spurs?" one of them asked.

"Why would anyone want to support West Ham?" I replied.

This led onto one of the Hammers saying that when we play them it's our most important game of the season. He was deadly serious about it. It was a statement of fact as far as he was concerned. And hearing it from a West Ham fan (isn't it usually the other way round?) suddenly had me pushed up against the ropes.

The bell sounds and it's Round 2.

"It's your Cup final, not ours". I said, because I knew that would be the exact thing to rile the both of them. Which it did. Which is funny because a moment earlier they had said the same thing to me.

The other Hammer questioned this, and asked me to explain. He wasn't happy.

"Nothing to explain. We just aren’t as bothered with you as you are with us. Sure, it's a London derby and it matters but it's not as important as Arsenal for obvious reasons and Chelsea because they're such insufferable c*nts"

My response incited them further. One of them becoming a little more venomous with his bite.

"You're not a real Spurs fan then are you, if you think that. A real Spurs fan would never say that. What have Chelsea and Arsenal got to do with Spurs? We are your biggest rivals and your most important game of the season is us. It's the one you look forward to the most. You're talking bollocks. Arsenal and Chelsea don't care about you lot, so why should you care about them?"

Jesus wept. I only wanted a quiet drink with Mrs Spooky.

I didn't bother pointing out that if he applied his logic about one team (Spurs) not caring about the other (West Ham) he'd have his answer. But I guess saying that would see me suggesting we are 'bigger' than them, and it's a tiresome statement we get accused of making quite often. Especially as I wanted to get in another round of drinks for myself and Mrs Spooky. That and the fact we are bigger than them. Right?

I tried to explain that it's not relevant that Arsenal and Chelsea (who ironically also hate us more than we hate them – I guess Chelsea and WH both share the need to have another club in the same league admit they see them as their undeniable undisputed rival) have bigger fish to fry and that regardless of current predicaments in stature, the hatred shared between us and those two dwarfed what we share with West Ham. I wasn't trying to wind up or patronise. I stated fact.

"Go to a Spurs v Arsenal game and then come back to me and tell me that us playing you lot is a bigger game"

But they just laughed that off. Proper Calvin Klein stuff. Their measurement of rivalry seemed muddled and fragmented.

Arguably, you could say Spurs v Arsenal is our ONLY true rivalry. But I won't argue against the fact that London derby games do hold obvious importance. Bragging rights, because no doubt you know West Ham fans. But no Spurs fan would swap a win over Arsenal for one over lickle United.

He continued his rant and started talking about how years back he was in the Northumberland Arms and blah blah blah…

“It’s not the 1980’s anymore mate”, I pointed out. He ignored me and continued ranting about old ICF war stories and 'doing Spurs over'. The Spurs fans (one was in his 30's the other in his 50's) were laughing at their West Ham counterparts and asking them to calm down. Although to be fair, neither were really saying too much, probably because they hear it all the time from their two passionate friends. The older Spurs fan did start telling a story about how he once had a drink with Greavise. It was all beginning to get messy with various anecdotes which were meant to prove that I had no perspective on the argument at hand.

I sighed again. Mrs Spooky (who doesn't really like football) was getting involved regardless (bless her) and digging at one of the West Ham fans who was trying to wind her up. Sub-plot here was that I told them early that her family had Claret and Blue ties, which incited them to ask why she was going out with me. I conjectured that it was because of my winning personality and dashing looks.

The other Hammer started talking about how they smashed up our pubs.

“Yes, at 6am in the morning mate. Good one”

One of the Spurs fans started to dig at the two West Ham fans, telling them to drink up, and I did my best to smile and try to talk home fittings with the bird.

You won't be surprised that the 'ammers mentioned 1966 (you know that year, when Alf Ramsey - ex-Spurs - won the World Cup for England captained by that bloke who twice tried to sign for us in '66 and '70 but the West Ham board blocked the move) and also ranted about how we thought we were the bollocks because we beat their kids in Asia and won the trophy. All the usual insecurities rearing their ugly heads where they tell us how arrogant we are when nothing of the sort has been gloated about. So what, we beat them in a friendly. We also lost 2-0 to South China. Both games, equal in their status as non-events.

It ended all a-ok though. One of them shaking my hand and saying 'Always a pleasure yid' whilst I gave him a wink and informed him 'Same time next week?' which had us both laughing out loud. The other Hammer didn't say goodbye as he was still aggravated by my casual dismissiveness for his club.

So my quest to find a West Ham fan that doesn’t spend his time trying to justify a rivalry continues. I honestly, hand on heart, only ever seem to meet and speak to stereotype Hammers who never seem to talk about WH, just Spurs. And they always force the issue too. It's always with a touch of a 'You Spurs fans think you're better than us' type of inferiority complex before we even open our mouths. We don't. Well, I don't.

Do you know what my earliest football memory is? Let me tell you. It's me watching the 1980 FA Cup final between Arsenal and West Ham and running out into the back garden to replicate Brookings goal, diving around on the lawn. You, you chaps in the Claret and Blue gave me a joyful moment that I lapped up as a wee kid, because even at such a young and innocent age I disliked the red and white of them lot from South London and enoyed their defeat.

I get the irony (iron-y) by the way, banging on about this. But it's just a factual account of what happened at the pub.

Usually when this is discussed on-line West Ham fans counter-argument is that we are the ones who perpetuate the fact that they are obsessed by us and that we are the ones with the delusions and that by accusing them we aid to falsely substantiate the fact we are the bigger club. It's a brilliant defence that, don't you think? And I'm sure if WH fans read this they're say, 'Oh look, another Spurs article about how they don't care, yet he cares enough to blog about it'.

Ah, you got me there. I don't really believe in the generalisation of supporters, as we at Spurs have plenty of absolute melters who knee-jerk and fret. We have idiot fans and we have wind-up merchants. But we have far more realists and people with their feet firmly on the ground. Same thing can be applied for West Ham and every other club out there. Apart from Geordies. All nutters IMO.

So I guess, this account of what happened at the pub, is aimed at the people who perpetuate the stereotype. Just so happens I meet two of them on Saturday and it was not a refreshing encounter.

I'm not going to deny I hate losing to West Ham (I also utterly detest losing to Everton and especially Newcastle) but other games have far more of an edge and atmosphere than playing the Green Street lot. Back in the 70's and 80's it was probably a lot different, but then football was a completely different animal back then. It was more raw. On and off the pitch.

Us and Arsenal, no matter the decade, the hatred remains strong. I guess if you grow up supporting Spurs in a West Ham dominated part of the world, your hatred might be strong for them. But never stronger than the love we share for the scum.

Oh look, I'm trying to justify there’s no true rivalry with the Irons. Let me swallow my pride. I guess if that's what they want to hear then sure, it's a rivalry. There I said it. Geographically, you can’t argue against it. We are geographical rivals.

It's just that you're 3rd in our list.

Possibly 4th, because I fucking hate Manchester United. Leeds too for that pissing over the stands incident. Let's call it 5th in-line and be done with it.

'The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It's nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It's about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom.' - Danny Blanchflower

I hope Harry’s liking for keeping things simple helps him persuade the club not to get too clever again. I’m hoping for a quiet summer and plenty of noise when the season starts. (с) Martin Cloake
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Зарегистрирован: 21.11.08
Откуда: Израиль
Рейтинг: 3
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.08.09 18:01. Заголовок: :sm38: :sm38: Ну ..

Ну молотобойцы как всегда ищут себе ровню в Лондоне)))

F-SIDE & YID ARMY! Поддерживаю: 0 
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менеджер Лэйн

Зарегистрирован: 28.10.06
Откуда: Россия, Королев
Рейтинг: 8
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.08.09 10:49. Заголовок: По науке это зовётся..

По науке это зовётся "комплекс неполноценности".

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Девиз: Тоттенхэм навсегда
Зарегистрирован: 19.01.08
Откуда: Россия, Краснодар
Рейтинг: 6
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.10 12:14. Заголовок: Совсем плохие новост..

Совсем плохие новости из стана Вульвича. Хотя признаться,деньги они последние пару-тройку лет заработать смогли.

Один из финансовых руководителей английского "Арсенала" Иван Газидис рассказал, что грядущим летом главному тренеру Арсену Венгеру будет предоставлена серьезная сумма на укрепление команды - предположительно несколько десятков миллионов фунтов, передает официальный сайт АПЛ.

Напомним, что недавно клуб с "Эмирэйтс" опубликовал финансовые итоги 6 месяцев в период с мая по ноябрь 2009 года. В течение этого срока "канониры" заработали 35.2 млн. фунтов без вычета налогов. Во многом эта стало возможным, благодаря продаже квартир Highbury Square - 524 и 655 апартаментов уже нашли своих владельцев.

Кроме того, по сравнению с прошлым годом "Арсеналу" удалось практически на треть сократить свой долг. Все это позволяет "канонирам" уверенно смотреть в будущее. Газидис, который в январе отметил ровно год пребывания в лондонском клубе, заявил, что все вырученные деньги руководство готово инвестировать в новых игроков.

"Мы добились хороших результатов. За первую половину финансового года мы заработали 35 млн. фунтов без вычета налогов. Важно заметить, что это не главная наша цель. Мы ведем ответственный, прибыльный и самостоятельный бизнес для того, чтобы добиваться успеха на футбольном поле. Чтобы наши болельщики могли гордиться. Для этого мы и работаем.

Несмотря на то, что мы довольны результатами, наша цель еще не выполнена. За последние годы клубу не удавалось добиться прибыли. Поэтому все деньги, полученные сейчас, мы готовы инвестировать - инвестировать в игроков, а также на прочие нужды - стадион, инфраструктуру.

Мы уже серьезно вложились в команду. С конца прошлого сезона мы подписали новые долгосрочные контракты с 17 футболистами. На это мало обращают внимание, но это тоже серьезные инвестиции. У нас самая молодая команда в Премьер-Лиге, и заключение контрактов с нашими игроками придает клубу уверенности на будуще.

"Мы готовы выйти на трансферный рынок, для этого у нас есть деньги. Нужно определить игроков, которых требуется добавить в команду. Мы достаточно богаты, чтобы их себе позволить", - сообщил Газидис.

В этом мире лишь наша вера становится правдой. Поддерживаю: 0 
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Зарегистрирован: 18.01.06
Откуда: Москва
Рейтинг: 12
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.10 19:51. Заголовок: Кантона в испанской ..

Кантона в испанской прессе уже давно муссируется слух, что Анал разрешил Барсе вести переговоры с Фабрегасом, на предмет перехода его после ЮАР.

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Девиз: не старею душой и телом
Зарегистрирован: 22.01.10
Откуда: Россия, Москва
Рейтинг: 0
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.10 20:02. Заголовок: А каталонец и не ск..

А каталонец и не скрывает этого!... вспомнилось как Красимир Балаков отозвался о Аршарине! Дословно!..Дива!

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a. k. a. Dirtybird
админ spurs.ru

Девиз: To dare is to do
Зарегистрирован: 16.10.05
Откуда: РФ, Великий Новгород
Рейтинг: 35
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.03.10 22:06. Заголовок: Ну так заверните его..

Ну так заверните его уже поскорее. Можно с ленточкой и бантиком даже.

We don't care what the other teams say
What the hell do we care?
For we only know that there's gonna be a show
And the Tottenham Hotspur will be there
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a. k. a. Dirtybird
админ spurs.ru

Девиз: To dare is to do
Зарегистрирован: 16.10.05
Откуда: РФ, Великий Новгород
Рейтинг: 35
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.03.10 11:11. Заголовок: Source: Totally Jewi..

Source: Totally Jewish

Spurs manager Harry Redknapp believes his side are closing the gap on North London rivals Arsenal, and says he believes the Lilywhites can beat the Gunners when the two sides meet next month as well as finishing in a top-four spot.

Speaking at a Jewish Care business breakfast on Wednesday, Redknapp said: To be honest the gap [between Spurs and Arsenal] is closing. They've built a fantastic club, theyve got some great youngsters and their scouting system has been second to none in recent years. Arsene Wenger keeps bringing in young players; they have a conveyor belt of young players coming through.

They're a well-run club who have a manager who's done a good job and they could win the league this year. But when we play them at White Hart Lane, I fancy our chances of beating them.

Currently sitting outside a lucrative fourth spot, Redknapp is though confident his side can finish there, but highlighted Man City as their main threat to the spot. We've given away some silly points this year but I still feel we have a strong possibility of us finishing in fourth, he says. Man City are the team to beat. They had a great win at Chelsea the other week but we're right in it and have every chance this year of finishing in the top four.

Confident in his side's capabilities of finishing in the top four, Redknapp's also extremely positive when talking about England's chances of success in this years World Cup. He said: England have the best group of players right now since I don't know when and I think this is the best chance we will ever have to win the World Cup again I think it's a group which has a genuine chance of winning the tournament.

However, while we have a great crop of English players now, you do wonder where the next group will be coming through from. Now we have the Lampard's, Rooney's and Gerrard's, but already you can see it's harder and more difficult for young English talent to come through. Kids also have other distractions nowadays and it is a worry.

Redknapp was similarly pessimistic about the future of English football in terms of foreign owners and what it will do for club managers. He said: I think there will be more and more foreign players and owners coming into our game, and with the foreign owners coming in, I think that will result in more managers facing the sack on a more regular basis. These people coming over are used to winning and don't or won't understand when they don't as only a few teams can win silverware each season.

Redknapp also ruled out any possibility of becoming the England manager in the future, saying he prefers the day-to-day running of being a club manager. It's not for me now, he said. Besides I couldn't handle sitting in an office every day, for me it's to go out on the pitch every day with the players. And when you're England manager you get almighty grief and it's difficult to cope with the pressure. For me when you win and it's going well it's fantastic, but when you lose it's crazy, you get so low it's not right.

We don't care what the other teams say
What the hell do we care?
For we only know that there's gonna be a show
And the Tottenham Hotspur will be there
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Девиз: Never Red
Зарегистрирован: 28.12.06
Откуда: Украина, КРЫМ
Рейтинг: 6
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 13.03.10 23:48. Заголовок: Конченные забили на ..

Конченные забили на девяностой минуте. Хулл всесь второй тайм в меньшенстве играл

I Hate Arse*al!!! Поддерживаю: 0 
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Tottenham Hotspur